Malcolm X

Identify any 5 of the 11 theories of leadership that have been discussed in this course, including the traits, skills, style, situational, contingency, path-goal, leadership-member exchange, transformational, servant, and authentic theories of leadership. In the presentation, make sure to identify a famous leader (past or present) who exemplifies each leadership theory. Also, make sure to assess whether these leaders successfully used the theory. Be sure to give 3–5 practical examples of conduct that support your conclusion that this leader is working within the selected leadership model.


  • In the Notes section of the slides, please examine the historical context of Trait Approach. (i.e., when did each theory achieve recognition or prominence) and describe the leadership practices associated with the theory.


Please write about Trait Approach


  • Text large enough to be read by your audience (font size 20–34 point).
  • Limit slides to between 6–8 lines of content.
  • Use bullets for your main points.
  • Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience, being sure to follow Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
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