The textbook is the only resource you need when referring to theories and concep

The textbook is the only resource you need when referring to theories and concepts in your answers. When referring to the textbook, use your own words (paraphrase), and use an in-text citation that conforms to APA style. You will lose marks if you use direct quotations. Create a reference list (which will include only the textbook) at the end of your assignment document.
To prepare your assignment document, copy and paste all six questions below into a new document. Then, insert your responses directly below each question. Be sure to clearly indicate which question you are answering. Format your answer document with 1-inch margins and 12-point Times Roman font. Please single space all questions and answers.
Strong, articulate, structurally sound sentences and corresponding paragraphs must be used in your responses. A well-structured paragraph contains an introductory (topic) sentence, supporting details in a few well-written sentences, and a closing sentence. Be sure to use a new paragraph whenever you introduce a new topic. Do not use incomplete or run-on sentences or paragraphs. Do not include diagrams, figures, bullets or lists within your responses, and do not include appendices. Do not ask questions within your responses. Watch verb tenses. In general, try to use one verb tense throughout the paper (usually past or present tense).
Part B
Part B is worth 40% of the total marks for this assignment.
Read “Case Study: Hillton’s Transformation” (textbook, pp. 415–416) Canadian Organizational Behaviour
by Steven L. McShane and McShane(10th edition), Steven Lattimore McShane, Steven Lattimore, and answer the three discussion questions below. Avoid repetition. Your total combined word count for these questions should be 900–1000 words.
1. Contrast Hillton’s earlier corporate culture with the emerging set of cultural values.
2. Considering the difficulty in changing organizational culture, why does Hillton’s management seem to have been successful in this transformation?
3. Identify two other strategies that the city might consider to reinforce the new set of corporate values.

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