Unit 4 Journal: Website Review

Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 Points: 25 Overview: Review the websites listed in this Unit’s Readings and Resources and select one for this Journal entry. Instructions: Describe two takeaways from the website and how you could apply the knowledge or use the resources. Your reflection needs to be at least four sentences. See the assignment document and rubric for more detail. Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. © 2023 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Evaluation Rubric for Course Journal Assignment CRITERIA Proficient Needs Improvement Novice 25 points 19 points 0 points NAEYC Standard: 6e Professionalis m as an Early Childhood Educator Reflection consists of at least four (4) sentences and includes informed, thoughtful, and insightful responses to the prompt. Reflection consists of at least four (4) sentences. Responses to the three prompts are lacking in depth and insight. Reflection does not meet the length requirement and/or is inaccurate or 




Course Resources

Course Resources


You will need to review these websites for your Journal assignment. They are examples of resources available to help you build knowledge about organizations that support children and families. Use these to inform your work in this unit.

Textbook PowerPoints:

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