Answer one of the questions below, in 6-8 pages, drawing upon the class readings

Answer one of the questions below, in 6-8 pages, drawing upon the class readings and other scholarly sources you deem pertinent.
1. How has crisis, economic and political, contributed to the development of the American state?
2. Compare Chemerinsky and Novak. Does Chermerinsky’s criticism of the Supreme Court complicate our understanding of the American state, as described by Novak?
3. How is the problem of legislative dysfunction relevant, or not relevant, for the twenty-first century Supreme Court?
Chemerinsky, The Case Against the Supreme Court (Penguin, 2015).
Luger and Waddell, What American Government Does (Johns Hopkins U. Press, 2017).
Mann and Ornstein, It’s Even Worse Than It Looks (Basic Books, 2016).
Please let me know which topic you are going to do so I can upload the appropriate readings:)

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