Read others’ questions and choose one to write a 300- to 500-word response to. D

Read others’ questions and choose one to write a 300- to 500-word response to. Do you have experience that answers the question? At different points in your career, would you have answered this question differently? Why?
Include your own experience as well as two citations that support your assertions as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting, 2 sources.
The concept of entrepreneurs is for independent individuals to create innovative approach to create new products or alternate approaches to sales. Typically, entrepreneurs are correlated with individuals who does direct sales or multi-level marketing that often has a negative stigma due to historical events. A study done at California, Mirvis and Googins (2018) discusses a company recruits external entrepreneurs for creating new innovations to improve revenue within the organization. During the discovery of the research entrepreneurs had a better understanding of what is needed for the local community. Bizek and Kahn (2008) conduct a study about the concept of corporate entrepreneurship and organization entrepreneurship in order to see the impact within the growth of the organization. However, during this research the main concentration was culinary arts approach for creating new appetizers and approach for food selling. Now during each session that is needed for entrepreneurship incorporate in a organization boundaries should be included in order to determine what is effective towards the organization (Dencker, Bacq, and Gruber, 2021).
All three researchers have something a common, each organization and corporation will utilize entrepreneurs for the development of innovative approaches or products that will increase revenues within the institution. Personally, I have discover that entrepreneurs will look for a problem and create a solution that will make life easier. Here are some examples of entrepreneurs that often are overseen at night. Those wonderful infomercials that are often and has a catchy phrase. Each individual entrepreneur will establish a problem follow by a solution and typically the product that he or she is trying to sell will consist of an innovated idea to sell.
Now will the concept of hiring an entrepreneur for an intrapreneur be suitable for a company?
Brizek, M., & Khan, M. (2008). Understanding Corporate Entrepreneurship Theory: A Literature Review for Culinary/Food Service Academic Practitioners. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 6(4), 221–255.
Dencker, J. C., Bacq, S., & Gruber, M. (2021). Basic Needs as the Boundary Condition for a Reconceptualization of Necessity Entrepreneurship across Contexts. Academy of Management Review, 46(4), 830–835.
Mirvis, P., & Googins, B. (2018). Engaging Employees as Social Innovators. California Management Review, 60(4), 25–50.

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