Unit 2 Assignment: Play Observation and Reflection

Unit 2 Assignment: Play Observation and Reflection Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 2 Points: 100 Overview: In this unit the important developmental theories spanning from classical to postmodern periods have been discussed. Instructions: • After viewing the resources in this Unit, discuss the following: o The importance of observing children’s play. o The different methods of observation. o The type of observation you like to use and why. o Record the moments from the video that demonstrate Parten’s Stages of Play referencing the video timestamp. o For example, “Cooperative Play was observed in the 2019 TIMPANI Toy Study video at the 8:40 mark, where children were playing with the puppet theater (EarlyChildhoodVideos, 2019).” o Elaborate on your observations and discuss what types of play experiences you would provide to enhance growth and development in all 6 Stages of Play. Requirements: • Submit a Word document in APA format. • At least three pages in length (excluding the Title and Reference pages), doublespaced, 12 pt. font. • At least two resources; one must be your textbook. Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. Evaluation Rubric for Unit 2 Assignment CRITERIA Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Deficient 16 points 13 – 15 points 10 – 12 points 0 – 9 points Discussion on the importance of observing children’s play The discussion on the importance of observing children’s play is thoughtfully and carefully written. The discussion on the importance of observing children’s play is present but missing minor details. The discussion on the importance of observing children’s play is present but missing key details. The discussion is missing or poorly written. Discussion of the different methods of observation The discussion of the different observation methods is clearly and concisely written. The discussion of the different observation methods is present but missing minor details. The discussion of the different observation methods is present but missing key details. The discussion is missing or poorly written. Observation method you prefer and why The preferred observation method and why are thoughtfully and carefully written. The preferred observation method and why are present but are missing minor details. The preferred observation method and why are present but are missing key details. The preferred observation method and why are missing or poorly written. Recorded moments from the video that demonstrate Parten’s Stages of Play referencing the video timestamp All of the recorded moments were captured with the timestamp and explanation. Most of the recorded moments were captured with the timestamp and explanation. A few of the recorded moments were captured with the timestamp and explanation No recorded moments were captured. The discussion is missing or poorly written. Discussion on what types of play experiences you would provide to enhance growth and development in all 6 Stages of Play The discussion on the chosen play experiences is clearly and thoughtfully written. The discussion is present but missing minor details. The discussion present but missing key details. The discussion is missing or poorly written. 10 points 8 – 9 points 6 – 7 points 0 – 5 points Paper Length At least 3 pages. n/a n/a Less than 3 pages. Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed. Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation. Few errors that do not impede professional presentation. Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free.



Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources



Sluss, D. J. (2019). Supporting play in early childhood: Environment, curriculum, assessment (3rd ed.). Cengage.

This chapter identifies the ecological factors that may affect how a child plays such as age, culture and gender. Several types of observations and assessments to document a child’s development are included in this chapter. Child Development theorists Piaget and Vygotsky are highlighted.

  • Chapter 3: Observing and Assessing Play

Articles, Websites, and Videos:


This is a chapter in the textbook by Brown and Irby entitled: Gender and Early Learning environments. The focus is on presenting scenarios about showing emotions in during play.

Before you begin the Unit 2 Discussion Forum, please complete the cultural competency questionnaire: 

This video explains what an authentic assessment is and the rationale for why it is appropriate for use with children with special needs children. 


This video gives an overview of the need for scalable, validated and innovative ways to assess children and the schools that apply these assessments.


Unit 2 Assignment Resources

Before you begin the Unit 2 Assignment: Play Observation and Reflection, please view the following slideshow, article, and two videos. All are the basis of your reflection piece.

This power point to explains the purpose of assessment and tools that can be used to observe and assess children.

This is an article about Mildren Partens six stages of play. Each stage is given a written description.

Early childhood teachers observe children throughout the day for a variety of purposes. In e-clip #5, Dr. Sudha Swaminathan discusses various types of observations in the early childhood classroom and how to plan observations to get the most useful results. Four preschool teachers also describe their use of formal and informal observation strategies to identify the individual strengths and needs of children and to plan instruction.


This video reveals the results of the Timpani Toy Study conducted by researchers at Eastern CT State U. in 2019.  The study looks at toys that promote brain development and various


Supplemental Resources:


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