research paper on the sociological side of abortion and how its wrong Instructio

research paper on the sociological side of abortion and how its wrong
Research Paper
Research paper: Must be 6 pages minimum (can include Works Cited Page), typed, double-spaced on stapled, white paper.
Must follow MLA style with your name, your instructor’s name, class name and date (Day/Month/Year) at the top left side of the first page, last name and page number in upper right.
Must have a Works Cited page with at least 5 sources (Wikipedia is not accepted as a source) All five sources can be from the internet, but you can use a book, magazine, personal interview, film, etc. if you need.
The assignment is focused around a central idea and has a strong thesis statement
· 10 Yes +8 Developing 0 No
The writer develops central ideas with sufficient supporting details without getting off focus
· 10 Yes +8 Developing 0 No
The writer utilizes strategies/genres explained in class to get their point across in their writing.
· 10 Yes +8 Developing 0 No
The writer has brought in a rough draft of their paper to be reviewed: DUE: Dec. 12
+ 10 Yes 0 No
The writer has completed an annotated bibliography according to class standards
DUE: Dec. 7
· 10 Yes No: Automatic 2.0
Assignment is written the appropriate length
· 15 Yes No: Automatic 1.0
The writer demonstrates sufficient control of sentence boundaries
· 20 Yes +10 Some errors but they do no confuse Up to -31 Significant Trouble
Word-level errors (for example, spelling or verb mistakes, typos) occur infrequently and cause only minor confusion for the reader
· 10 Yes +5 Many word errors Up to -20 Errors dominate
The paper is formatted in MLA/APA style
· 5 Yes No: Automatic 1.0

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