While it would be much better to visit historic sites in person, the reality is

While it would be much better to visit historic sites in person, the reality is that we don’t have unlimited time and budgets for such a projectJ, so we shall use the web resources provided by the National Park Service instead. Your job is to visit the below NPS site of your choice from the list below and take a look at the different links/buttons for that site, particularly the historical information, virtual tour, park programs, and visual aids, if any. After spending a bit of time looking, think about the following overall questions and craft a short essay response (1 page) that addresses these questions:
1. How does the National Park Service handle describing the complicated history of the park you chose? Do they take particular stances (do they seem to favor one viewpoint/group/person or another)? If so, why? If not, why not?
2. What kinds of resources does the NPS provide for the park you chose? How do they convey the history/feel of the site in question?
3. Finally, do you feel that you learned anything from these brief online resources? Can this type of resource substitute for actually going to/experiencing these sites in some ways? What could be done to enhance your virtual experience on this historic site?

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