Unit 1 Assignment: Play Theories and Experiences

Unit 1 Assignment: Play Theories and Experiences Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 1 Points: 100 Overview: In this unit the important developmental theories spanning from classical to postmodern periods have been discussed. Instructions: • Choose one theorist with whom you most connect and answer the following questions: o Identify the theorist and their theory. Include why you connect with this theory the most. o How does their theory relate to your own play experiences as a child? • Conduct additional research and address the following points: o Discuss any new information you found and how the theory impacts you now as an educator. o How what you have learned has changed your view on play? o Discuss how you will implement this theory (or components of it) into your own classroom. Requirements: • Submit a Word document in APA format. • At least two pages in length (excluding the Title and Reference pages), doublespaced, 12 pt. font. • At least two resources; one must be your textbook. Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. Evaluation Rubric for Unit 1 Assignment CRITERIA Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Deficient 15 points 12 – 14 points 9 – 11 points 0 – 8 points Introduction of theorist, theory, personal connection, and relation to experiences as a child. The introduction is thoughtfully and carefully written, making a clear connection to childhood experiences. The introduction makes connections to childhood experiences but is missing minor details. The introduction makes connections to childhood experiences but is missing key details. The introduction is missing or poorly written. Discussion of new information and how it impacts you as an educator The discussion and impact are clearly and concisely written and addresses its impact on the educator. The discussion and impact are present but are missing minor details. The discussion and impact are present but are missing key details. The discussion is missing or poorly written. Changes in personal viewpoint on play The changes in personal viewpoint are thoughtfully and carefully written. The changes in personal viewpoint are present but are missing minor details. The changes in personal viewpoint are present but are missing key details. The changes in viewpoint are missing or poorly written. Implementation of theory in the classroom The implementation of the theory is creatively well thought out and easily adapted to the appropriate learning situation. The implementation of the theory is present but is missing minor details. The implementation of the theory is present but is missing key details. The implementation is missing or poorly written. 10 points 8 – 9 points 6 – 7 points 0 – 5 points Resources More than 2 resources. 2 resources. n/a 0-1 resource. 15 points 12 – 14 points 9 – 11 points 0 – 8 points Paper Length At least 2 pages. n/a n/a Less than 2 pages. Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free. Few errors that do not impede professional presentation. Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation. Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.


try to use something below to do this one please 


Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources



Sluss, D. J. (2019). Supporting play in early childhood: Environment, curriculum, assessment (3rd ed.). Cengage.

This chapter describes the various theories, both classical and current on play. Information is provided on the state of play in America as well as globally. The characteristics of play are also explored.

  • Chapter 1: Valuing Play

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This website brings the student to an article on the benefits of play and provides an overview of why play matters. Skills gained through play such as socialization, learning games with rules, benefits of physical activity, and taking turns are described.

The following article explains the value of constructive play and how to encourage its development in your own classroom

The following article provides an overview of psychosocial development.

This film explains and provides a review of traditional approaches to the study of play from a historical perspective. The importance Piaget gave to the child’s development of symbolic representation during play is highlighted. The emphasis on the emotional development of theorists Freud and Erickson is shown as well. Vygotsky’s view of development with his views on play as an opportunity for the child to gain control of their own behavior is featured.


Supplemental Resources:


Publisher’s PowerPoints:

This article explains to parents the purpose of developmentally appropriate practice in a conversational format.

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