Please make sure that it is your own work and not copy and paste and not someone

Please make sure that it is your own work and not copy and paste and not someone else work or article. Please read the study guide and watch out for spelling errors and grammar errors. Please use the APA 7th edition format. This is a DBA course and needs to be done on this level.
Book Reference: Greene, S., & Lidinsky, A. (2018). From inquiry to academic writing: A practical guide (4th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s. 
I will attach Unit V scholarly assignment
Review and revise the introduction to a proposed research topic that appealed to readers that was submitted as a draft in Unit V. Submit the revised document as a second draft indicating in annotations why the revisions are being made. Note the differences between revising and editing from the textbook.
The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.
Citation Guide
CSU Online Library Research Guide
Submit Writing Center Request

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