Discussion 1 Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words Discuss how econ

Discussion 1
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words
Discuss how economics plays a vital role in shaping public discussion in the following policy areas:
Household taxation
Business taxation
Import taxation (tariffs)
Provide several examples of how economics plays a role in policy or public discussion related to your career. Why is understanding economics important for you?
Discussion 2
In response to Janelle and Stephanie posts, compare your classmates’ observations with your own–are there any connections between the way you and your classmates interpret the relevance of art? If your interpretation about the relevance of art differs significantly from one of your classmates’ observations, how do you account for this variance? What can you learn from this?
Janelle post
What can it teach us about the past? The present? The future?
Paintings have the ability to take us back in time and immerse us in a whole different era. Art teaches us about the cultures of the past, and about how people were feeling, and processing events happening during their time period. Through different pieces of art, we can establish patterns in history and apply them to the present day and towards the future. 
How has art influenced society? How has society influenced art?
Art and society influence each other all the time. An example is a urinal from the Dada movement that was called a Fountain and submitted to an art gallery. The artwork was a result of changing times and the uncertainty of war which caused people to bein perceive things differently. In turn, the urinal completely revolutionized art and gave way to today’s styles in postmodern art. 
How does an awareness of all of this impact your own life?
When I started this course I had already had some experience with analyzing art. My high school history teacher who I had for three years focused deeply on the art of the different time periods. I learned more about the history of art from him than I did in my own art electives. I enjoyed this class because it focused solely on the art aspect. I always had a hard time remembering the sequences and time frames of the art styles of history and this class helped me make those connections between history and art and through it I was able to make more historical connections to the present. 
Stephanie post
What can it teach us about the past? The present? The future?
I feel that studying art can teach us a lot from the past, present, and possible future. It teaches us about previous cultures and the struggles they had to endure. It shows us current perspectives on topics, anything from breastfeeding to war and can show us how, based off current perspective, the shift may be going for the future. It also teaches us lessons so that we have a better understanding of how things came to be and how we can improve things.
How has art influenced society? How has society influenced art?
Art has influenced how we view ourselves and the world around us. It improves our moods and gives us an appreciation for the small things in life. Think of Bob Ross for a moment. Bob Ross painted landscapes mainly and taught us an appreciation for nature and the happy little trees. He taught us moral lessons while teaching us how to paint. Likewise, society has influenced art and the current values of our society. Whether it is depicting pop culture or used as a medium to effect change (thinking of the domestic violence  Croatian ad “Stand Strong Against Violence”.
How does an awareness of all of this impact your own life?
I think the awareness and this class has given me a better appreciation for the arts. While I may not figure out the exact meaning of a piece or be able to find comparative pieces easily I can appreciate how it has shaped our society and my life as a result. 

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