Reply 9-19-23

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Unit 4 Exploration Forum




The Exploration Forum is a chance to discuss any topics related to this unit or the course. It is an opportunity to think about how the concepts we cover relate to you and your work as an early childhood practitioner. It allows you to express your thoughts, expand your thinking, gain knowledge and perspective, share and view resources, and gather ideas about approaching the course assignments. Think of this as “practice time,” where you ponder, apply, and make connections while earning points based solely on participation.

There are no assigned topics or questions to answer and no length requirement. While you should use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, your grade will be based solely on participation.

  • 25 points for three (or more) relevant posts
  • 15 points for two relevant posts
  • 10 points for one relevant post
  •   0 points for no relevant post

Please represent yourself honorably. Your posts need to express your thoughts and your words. However, if you paraphrase (summarize or reword) or include a quote, you must cite (identity) your source.  Provide the web link when referencing an online source. 




Claudette Quinones

RE: Unit 4 Exploration Forum




I often wished my parents or teachers had created a “Me Book” for me as a child. I would have cherished seeing my artistic development over time and observing how my skills and creativity evolved. Sadly, in our household, my sisters and I had a mere two-month window for our artwork to hang in the house before it was inevitably discarded. A “Me Book” would have been a lasting testament to my growth and creative journey, which I deeply yearned for as a young artist. But in the future, it is something I will do for my children.




Debra Simmons

RE: Unit 4 Exploration Forum




Debra Simmons    As I read through the assignments in this course I am glad it is still all about the children’s learning abilities at hand.

I appreciate that there are still good people in the area caring for the children’s education. I am glad I chose this major because I’m learning as much as the children.

At the church that I attend, they have study sessions for younger children and they like to talk about the school that they attend.

The children are able to talk about their experiences with the school that they attend. The children are able to talk about what they learn at church too.

Whatever we do or whatever we go there is a learning in progress for children as well as for adults.

Everyday day and every step we take is a step in the right direction.

I will be enjoying this course and pertaining it to my studies of experiences that I have already learned. I’m learning more and more ways to keep children focused on the positive side of education.



Brittany Thomas

RE: Unit 4 Exploration Forum




Having art projects with children is always fun I have done many art projects with children I have worked with. An example I have done is when I use paint on my toddler’s hands and put their hands on paper to make a crab. The parents really enjoyed the craft because it would make a great memory for them to look back on when their child gets older.

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