Review of Three Major Healthcare Insurance Providers & Types of Payment Processes

I am working on a psychiatric mobile clinic. 3 forms of payment I will acccept is Medicare, BCBS of Florida and VA Optium (VA Insurance). This will be a mobile clinic geared towards patients who lives in independent and assisted living facilties.


Identify the type(s) of reimbursement you will accept

  1. Medicare (Fee for Service) 
  2. BCBS – Bundled Payment 
  3. VA – Fee for Service 


2 – 3 pages, 11 – 12 pt font using APA style

  1. Highlight which medical insurance providers you are planning to accept (i.e., Blue Cross/Blue Shield of FL, Humana, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.)
  2. Identify the processes involved in obtaining provider status on at least THREE healthcare insurance providers
  3. Identify the type(s) of reimbursement you will accept

Submit your Review of Insurance Providers & Payment Processes in WORD document.

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