Unit 1 Journal

Overview: You will watch a video that is in Chapter 1 of your textbook. It is under the section of Motivating Skills for Teachers which gives ideas for helping to motivate children and prepare them for learning activities.

Howard, R. and Mayesky, M. (2023). Creative activities and curriculum for young children. 12th edition. Cengage Learning. MindTap 

Points: 50

Directions: Watch the “TeachSource” Video “Preschool: Cooking Activities” which is in Chapter 1, Section 15 (1-15) of your eBook, and respond to the following questions in your Journal. You may add any other thoughts that are inspired by the video. Your Journal entry should be approximately 150 words.

1. Consider the teacher’s comments to the children as they made their “snack bugs.” Discuss how they reflect the information in Chapter 1 on motivating skills for teachers.

2. How would you alter the cooking activity to encourage more divergent thinking (unique ideas, multiple solutions, etc.)



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