Unit 3 Exploration Forum

The Exploration Forum is a chance to discuss any topics related to this unit or the course. It is an opportunity to think about how the concepts we cover relate to you and your work as an early childhood practitioner. It allows you to express your thoughts, expand your thinking, gain knowledge and perspective, share and view resources, and gather ideas about approaching the course assignments. Think of this as “practice time,” where you ponder, apply, and make connections while earning points based solely on participation.

There are no assigned topics or questions to answer and no length requirement. While you should use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, your grade will be based solely on participation.

  • 25 points for three (or more) relevant posts
  • 15 points for two relevant posts
  • 10 points for one relevant post
  •   0 points for no relevant post

Please represent yourself honorably. Your posts need to express your thoughts and your words. However, if you paraphrase (summarize or reword) or include a quote, you must cite (identity) your source.  Provide the web link when referencing an online source. 



Course Resources

Course Resources

Articles and Websites:


This article guides applying Bloom’s taxonomy to formulate a question in the early childhood classroom.  Although some young children will have difficulty understanding the concepts addressed in your questions, you should still ask higher-level questions from Bloom’s Taxonomy.


You will need to review these websites for your Journal assignment. They are examples of resources available to help you build knowledge about early childhood as a profession. 

Textbook PowerPoints:


Unit 3 Reading Assignment – Chapter 3

Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. (2023). Beginnings & beyond: Foundations in early childhood education (11th ed.). Cengage.

  • Chapter 3 Teaching: A Professional Commitment
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