Each student will prepare a term paper based on the following guidelines: I. Dev

Each student will prepare a term paper based on the following guidelines:
I. Develop a concept for an Internet-based business. This can be an existing business concept, but it is preferred that you consider something new – be creative!
2. Briefly describe your target market – who will your customers be?
3. Explain how you intend to reach your market using the Internet.
4. Describe your website design and explain why you feel it will achieve your objectives.
5. Provide a plan detailing where you will position links to your site for maximum exposure to your
6. Prepare a spreadsheet detailing development, implementation, and operating costs for one year of operation.
Be sure you properly cover all the topics listed; this should take 4 to 5 pages (1 ½ spaces) to complete.
Term papers should be completed in MS Word format and submitted to the appropriate discussion board thread by the due date.

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