Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need an expla

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Parent PresentationWhen working with children with exceptionalities from diverse backgrounds, whether in the school system or in a counseling setting, it is very important to both involve and provide support for the parents. A large part of this will be educating parents on the needs of their child and then providing them with resources that will help them to support and help their child. For your final project you will create a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation that will focus on educating and supporting parents in meeting the needs of their exceptional child. First you will need to choose an area of exceptionality that you will focus your presentation on. Examples of areas you can choose from are:Learning disabilities
Emotional/behavior disabilities
Communication Disorders
Multiple Disabilities
Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury
Vision Loss
Physical and Health Disabilities
Gifted, Creative, and Talented
The first half (10-12 slides) of your PPT presentation will be educational in which you will help the parent to fully understand your chosen exceptionality and the specific needs of a child with this exceptionality. In the second half of your presentation (5-7 slides) you will provide the parents with at least 6 resources that they can turn to for additional education and support making sure to cover the following areas:Web resources
Local and national agencies
Instructional and parent support organizations
Linguistic and cultural support services
Make sure to include both online resources and local resources within your own community. For each resource provide the following information:Name
Purpose of organization
Overview of services provided
Address and phone number if local or URL if online resource
Cost if applicable
Benefit organization will be to parent
Submit your Final Project by clicking on the “Week 4 Final Project” link below by Wednesday of Week 4 by 11:59pm EST. Your in-text citations and references should be in APA format.Final Paper Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsPart I – 10-12 PPT slides educating parents on your chosen exceptionality and the specific needs of a child with this exceptionality.40Part II – 5-7 PPT slides covering at least 6 resources that a parent can turn to for additional education and support making sure to cover the four different areas listed above by providing the outlined information.20Proper APA format of citations and references.20Grammar, spelling, and correct APA format20Total:100

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