My topic for the final research paper will be child labor. include my question i

My topic for the final research paper will be child labor.
include my question in the essay.
My question: How can we help stop child labor Worldwide?
Each student is required to complete a 10 to 12-page research paper. The research paper provides you an opportunity to demonstrate your research skills as well as your ability to understand and integrate the concepts and approaches provided in this course. It also allows you to demonstrate insight and creativity in the analysis of a specific problem or issue facing government – remember “wicked” problems.
Early in the semester, you submitted your research topic. As you may recall, any area which fits within the scope of the course is acceptable. Examples would include, but not limited to, how government can address the immigration issue, homelessness, the opioid crisis, protecting our children at school, protecting the environment, healthcare, etc.
All papers will be submitted through Turnitin prior to being graded. This software will detect all forms of plagiarism, so please make sure that you have not plagiarized. Refer to course syllabus to determine what is considered plagiarism, as well as the consequences for plagiarizing – not good!
FORMAT: Your paper will contain four sections. The paper must be typed, double-spaced, using a 12-point font, and must not exceed 12 pages typed. (page length does not include references or title page). The final paper must be placed in the appropriate link on Canvas.
Title page: The title page must contain a descriptive title of your paper, the course number, the semester and year, and your name. The title page will not count towards your 12-page limit.

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