Topic for Research Paper: The Impact of Cybersecurity on International Relations


Using a minimum of seven (7) credible sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library, write a research paper about (The Impact of Cybersecurity on International Relations) which follows the problem solution strategy. The paper must be original to this course–no recycling, please!  

Format your paper according to the guidelines that are given for your particular discipline. You must choose one of the following documentation styles: APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Length: The research paper should be 2000 – 2500 words (9-10 pages) in length. The page count does not include the Works Cited, Reference, or Bibliography page, or the title page or abstract if required by your documentation style. The page count refers only to the text of the paper itself. Submitting a paper that is doesn\’t fall within the word count range is not a good idea. Papers that are too long are as problematic as those that are too short. Part of effective writing is being able to complete the assignment within the designated limits set.

Sources:  Your final source page should contain at least seven (7) sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library; you will lose points if you have fewer.

DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

You are encouraged to review the rubric for grading criteria:  COLL Research Paper

Attached is a sample student paper in APA style, from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).  

APA Student Sample Paper from OWL


Below is the rough draft that may be used for this research paper and the login information for the APUS Library below it.


Thesis: Explore and determine the effects cybersecurity have on the economy. Cybersecurity is put in place to protect data and pivotal information on computer systems from network from attacks by malicious actors. Internationally, each government have various ways that’s beneficial to keeping data safe a secured.  


The impact of Cybersecurity on International Relations 

Cybersecurity has the potential to have both a beneficial and bad impact on international politics. To start, cyber espionage and attacks can harm international ties (Maness & Valeriano, 2015). A massive cyber-attack on one country could spark a violent response from the victim nation, raising the risk of diplomatic tensions or possibly war.

Diplomacy can also benefit from cyber security agreements. Sharing information about cyber threats and working together on cybersecurity measures are two ways in which countries can defend their own interests. The level of trust and diplomacy between countries can only benefit from agreements of this nature. Thirdly, economic ties between countries could be impacted by cyber threats (Maness & Valeriano, 2015). A country with weak cybersecurity may find it difficult to attract foreign investment and strategic alliances, while a country with strong cybersecurity may find it easy to do so. Last but not least, cyberspace protection might encourage global cooperation. There is potential for international cooperation on cyber security measures and the prevention of cybercrime. Efforts like these have the potential to boost cooperation and relations between countries.

Overall, cybersecurity has become an integral component of international relations, with governments better equipped to handle diplomatic and economic ties if they have a firm grasp on the threats posed by cyberspace.

There are several ways in which technological developments can threaten international peace and stability. According to Horowitz et al. (2018), the potential for cyber-attacks and data breaches grows alongside the development of technology. These vulnerabilities endanger national security because they could lead to the disclosure of confidential government documents, military strategies, or the compromise of essential computer networks. Secondly, some cutting-edge technology like drones and AI have potential military applications (Horowitz et al., 2018). In addition to surveillance and intelligence gathering, these technologies can be used to carry out precise attacks.

In addition to surveillance and intelligence gathering, these technologies can be used to carry out precise attacks. Some technologies, like nuclear energy and biotechnology, can be used for both peaceful and destructive ends. Without adequate oversight, the proliferation and development of these technologies could threaten national security by being utilized to create weapons (Horowitz et al., 2018). Furthermore, there are threats to national security posed by the use of technology in supply chains if essential components are acquired from countries with questionable reputations or conflicting interests. This can make a nation susceptible to sabotage or attacks on its supply chain. Finally, national security concerns can arise when internet platforms like social media are used to distribute false information or manipulate public opinion. Elections can be swayed, violence can be incited, and trust in government institutions can be eroded with the help of false information.

Therefore, national and international security face both positive and bad effects from technological advancements. Governments must be watchful and take measures to lessen the dangers posed by evolving technologies.

The political policies of a country on cybersecurity have the potential to have a substantial effect on the country’s foreign relationships with other nations. Governments that make addressing cybersecurity concerns a priority and work together with other nations to do so are more likely to have strengthened diplomatic relationships, more economic prospects, and improved national security.


Horowitz, M., Scharre, P., Gregory, A. C., & Frederick, K. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and International Security. DIANE Publishing.

Maness, R. C., & Valeriano, B. (2015). The impact of cyber conflict on international interactions. Armed Forces & Society, 42(2), 301-323.×15572997



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Using a minimum of seven (7) credible sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library, write a research paper about a topic related to your major or intended career, which follows the problem solution strategy. The paper must be original to this course–no recycling, please!  

Format your paper according to the guidelines that are given for your particular discipline. You must choose one of the following documentation styles: APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Length: The research paper should be 2000 – 2500 words (9-10 pages) in length. The page count does not include the Works Cited, Reference, or Bibliography page, or the title page or abstract if required by your documentation style. The page count refers only to the text of the paper itself. Submitting a paper that is doesn’t fall within the word count range is not a good idea. Papers that are too long are as problematic as those that are too short. Part of effective writing is being able to complete the assignment within the designated limits set.

Sources:  Your final source page should contain at least seven (7) sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library; you will lose points if you have fewer.

DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

You are encouraged to review the rubric for grading criteria:  COLL Research Paper

Attached is a sample student paper in APA style, from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).  

APA Student Sample Paper from OWL



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In week 8, you will be submitting your research paper. In this discussion, create and post your outline for that paper, making sure that you use complete sentences for all elements of the outline. Include your thesis statement in the outline in bold font. Remember that, if you have one sub-heading, you should have at least one more. Do not make elements of your outline large blocks of text; usually a sentence or two will suffice for each element. This video has some good ideas about outlining: Outlining Video.

Here is a sentence outline in APA style: Sample Outline APA

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