Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and an

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Planning, diversity, and effective communication are extremely important as it relates to moving an organization forward. Continue to research these topics and prepare a 3-page paper discussing why planning, cultural diversity, and effective communication are important to an organization. Also discuss what a manager or leader can do to ensure these items are properly considered within a growing organization.For this assignment you should incorporate a minimum of two references per page (6 references minimum for the whole paper). You may use your textbook as a source if you like along with other scholarly/peer reviewed sources. Wikipedia and blogs are NOT considered scholarly sources and should not be used. Essay services are not allowed in the completion of this assignment as this should be original and a reflection of your work. In-text citations must be incorporated into the body of the paper in addition to a full APA citation on the reference page

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