Intro to Nutrition: NFS 102 Fall 2021 ~ Assignment Research Summary Paper (40 po

Intro to Nutrition: NFS 102 Fall 2021 ~ Assignment Research Summary Paper (40 points): 1. Students MUST have the research manuscript they select approved by the instructor prior to writing up this assignment. Articles (research manuscripts) must be emailed to the instructor in PDF format and your last name should be part of the file extension. **Remember to seek librarian assistance in Butler Library if you are uncertain of how to download a PDF of the chosen article. 2. The paper must be 3-4 pages (double-spaced) in length. You should use standard margins (NO more than 1”) and 12 font, Times New Roman as this is what you’re your length will be based on. This requirement does not include references! 3. Topic should be from a peer-reviewed nutritional journal (suggest either the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or Journal of Nutrition). Articles chosen must have an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion. NOT A REVIEW ARTICLE 4. Relationship to health and nutrition should be the focus of the journal article of review. 5. You should also include your final thoughts/opinion on the subject as possible (most likely in the conclusion). 6. Final project must include the research article title and there must be a minimum of 2 additional references (from books and/or research articles). References with APA (American Psychological Association) format. (Use library resources if uncertain of this formatting). 7. You must reference throughout the paper as appropriate. 8. Along with content, grammar, spelling, length and proper citations will all count toward your grade. Page 2 of 2 9. Due date: 12/3/2021- 5 points deducted per day if late. Paper DUE at 11:59pm – NO LATER. 10.You should submit a copy of the journal article you are using for your assignment and the 3-4-page assignment itself on Blackboard. What to include in the paper: (minimal) 1. Type of research conducted. 2. Number of subjects utilized, what population researched. 3. What is the purpose of the study and what reason do they state for their research interest. 4. Brief explanation of the methods utilized in the study. 5. The length of the research study. 6. Statement of potential conflict of interest. 7. Study findings. 8. Study limitations. 9. Your thoughts on the research and its finding. This should be detailed and with references to support your conclusion about the study

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