Run the Project Management Game at least three times until the game ends. Decidi

Run the Project Management Game at least three times until the game ends. Deciding how to staff the project based on the worker’s attributes is important. Introduction (2-3 sentences) Provide an insight taken away from the game that will pique your reader’s interest. NOTE: Introductions and conclusions may be written after the body of the paper is completed. Game Experience (1/2 page) Describe what happened when you changed team assignments. Screenshot the results and place it in an appendix. Game Results (1/2 page) Compare your results from a cost perspective and notes posted by the game regarding staff and explain implications and differences between games. Constraints in Operations Management (1 page) Research best practices for managing constraints in operations. (research required) Connect with simulation results. Assess how organizations are affected by trade-off decisions. (research required) The Consumer (1/2 page) Research how the difference in planned vs. actual quality from the scenario could affect the consumer. (research required) Conclusion (2-3 sentences) Wrap up the discussion of real-world implications of the game scenario. Appendices Screenshot results of the games Effective academic and research writing requires a third-person voice. This SLP will be written in the third person. Do not use any quotations. Refer to yourself in third person as “participant,” or you can write about what the “player” will do, rather than saying “I” and “we.” Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” for Assignment-Driven Criteria, Critical Thinking, and Assignment Organization and Quality of References on the grading rubric.

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