Pyramid Building

Instructions: Based on the two articles (Kemp and Wenke), I want you to envision yourself to be one of the top officials involved in the construction of the pyramids. The three options are 1) the lead architect in charge of overseeing the entire construction project from start to finish. 2) The chief overseer of the workforce employed at the site of Giza and the queries and 3) the vizier of the pharaoh overseeing the economy and the treasury from which the construction project was financed. In a letter to the pharaoh – you, impersonating one of the three officials, list at least 5 tasks and the related logistical challenges that you are going to have to master and make a suggestion on how to solve them. The solutions you propose should be based on the historical evidence as discussed in Kemp’s and Wenke’s how ancient Egyptians did organize the construction of the pyramids. 


Use your logic to envision the logistical challenges that the construction of the pyramid, managing the masses of people or the provisioning of resources for the projects entails. I am not expecting you to be an expert in architecture, or labor management but the goal here is to immerse yourself into this time period to get a sense of the challenges that ancient life entailed and gain an appreciation for the sophistication of the solutions they came up with.


The information you use in this essay can only come from the two book chapters by Barry Kemp and Robert J. Wenke, uploaded under assignments. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are allowed. Please do not use any online sources. Please know that if I see any information used from outside sources and not cited, it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a 0 on the essay. 

Format: Please write a 4-6-page essay double space with 12-point font and 1’’ margins. Please note the sources that I will allow you to use and how I want you to cite them!

  • Sources: Please only use
  • Chapter 4 “The Provider State” by Kemp, Barry J. 2018. Ancient Egypt. Anatomy of A Civilization. New York: Routledge. 
  • Chapter 6 “The Pharaonic State in Early Maturity” by Wenke, Robert J. 2009. The Ancient Egyptian State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 


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