In your final chapter you reviewed different types of therapies. Please name one

In your final chapter you reviewed different types of therapies. Please name one type, explain what it is and how you think it helps individuals the most.”
Remember you MUST reply directly to the question and then reply to 2 classmates for full credit (10/10 points). If you do not reply 3 times you will not receive credit for the assignment (0/10). This assignment is due Friday, December 3rd at 12pm. I look forward to reading your final discussion board entries.
First student reply 
Cognitive behavioral therapy works to change cognitive distortions and self-defeating behaviors. This therapy helps individuals learn to think before they speak or do something. It helps individuals the most because it allows them to make better decisions when put in bad/awkward situations. 
second student reply 
Play Therapy is an important type of therapy for kids because they are able to use dolls and toys to act out their hopes, fantasies, and traumas. This type of therapy is also used to make diagnosis by observing how the child interacts with the toys to understand the child’s disturbed behavior. I think its more helpful for both ends. The observer could understand the role play more and the kids can actually act out scenarios they have been through and I think they may be more comfortable doing it that way 

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