Developing Your Team Overview Continue in the same role and use the same company

Developing Your Team
Continue in the same role and use the same company that you used for your assignments (CVS), Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity and Leadership Strategies for HR.It’s time to develop your team! You are planning a virtual meeting to ensure that your management team members are all on the same page. You will be presenting on diversity, team dynamics, ethics, and aligning new employees with your company’s mission.
Create a 12–15 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:
Provide the company’s mission statement.
Be sure to integrate any relevant feedback from your Week 6 assignment.
Describe two management strategies you will implement to ensure that your new team members align with your company’s mission and discuss how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each strategy. Provide a rationale for your choice of strategies.
Discuss one method you will use to manage diversity and how you plan to measure its effectiveness. Explain why you chose this method.
Discuss two strategies you will use to optimize team dynamics and how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each strategy. Provide a rationale for your choices.
Explain the importance of ethical behavior to the organization’s culture and any ethical dilemmas created by globalization.
Include presenter’s notes or record audio* for each slide, as if you were presenting in front of your management team members.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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