Unit 6 Non-Research Paper SafeAssignment: Run a t-Test, ANOVA, and Correlation T

Unit 6 Non-Research Paper SafeAssignment: Run a t-Test, ANOVA, and Correlation This assignment is NOT a part of your mini-research paper. Please see the Non-Research Paper SafeAssignments Rubric for specifics. You need to follow the Rubric in order to receive a passing grade. In the following imaginary study (data link below), participants who had trouble dieting were put into three conditions: 1) Scared Straight – they are yelled at and shown overweight people to scare them into dieting, 2) Motivational Interviewing – they are asked to think about how life would be better if they dieted and how life would be worse if they did not, and 3) No intervention. After the intervention (or no intervention) took place, participants were asked to report how much they ate the following week. The goal of the study is to see which intervention will reduce eating the most. Weight was also measured to see if there was any relationship between the weight of the participants and their performance in the week from the intervention. Please produce the statistical analysis for a t-test (Compare the Scared Straight and No Intervention Groups), ANOVA (Compare the Scared Straight, Motivational Interviewing, and No Intervention Groups, and correlation (see if there is a relationship between weight and any of the 3 conditions: weak, moderate, or strong, and positive or negative – and what that means) using the given data. Please report all of the results (both the output and your interpretation) and include all other previously already established components). You can download the data here: AssignmentData.

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