Your essay should have at least five (5) substantial paragraphs—including an int

Your essay should have at least five (5) substantial paragraphs—including an introduction, three (3) body paragraphs (a solid paragraph is at least 5 sentences), and a conclusion—about your experience with writing a podcast script. By drawing evidence from your experience with podcasting, you will do a reflective self-assessment and write a well-developed analysis. Consider the following questions in your essay:
What type of podcast did I choose and what was the topic? Why did I choose the podcast format and topic?
What evidence did I choose for the podcast? Why did I choose the sources? What did I discover about the topic in developing the podcast?
How did I use the writing process as part of my script development? What challenges did I face in writing the script and how did I handle the challenges? How did my script writing relate to formal academic essay writing?
What did I learn from listening to my peers’ podcasts?
Include these elements of an essay in your writing:
A clear thesis statement regarding creating your podcast and listening to the podcasts of your peers
Effective organization
Focused support paragraphs that have strong topic sentences
Specific examples to support all your main points
Analysis of your examples

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