Assessment overview This assessment provides an opportunity for you to demonstra

Assessment overview This assessment provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of, and capacity to apply, the course concepts to real world cases. Increasingly, workplaces are looking for employees who can add value by providing insightful understandings about ways in which the organisation can improve its performance. Assessment details Critically analyse the following three (3) questions. You will select relevant theories and workplace examples (note: students are strongly encouraged to use their own workplace experiences and examples) to provide a set of logical, well supported (by the academic literature) recommendations: 1. There are several strategies for job redesign such as job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Discuss effective application of these HR practices identifying the key benefits for employees and the organisation. Apply examples from your work experience in your response outlining methods that were used to succeed in application. 2. Viewing organisations through the political frame includes examining office politics and personal power. Discuss the need for personal power in the workplace and practices you would employ to enhance it, citing the relevant literature and providing examples. 3. There are different types of stakeholders according to Block (1991), each with a different strategy for managing the relationship. Describe a project where you have had to deal with a variety of stakeholders including those who opposed your proposal, and those who were fence sitters, and how you managed or should have managed these stakeholders in order to ensure a better chance for the success of your proposal. Word limit

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