Describe in your own words the importance of art in the early childhood curriculum. Then post an activity that combines art and play outdoors. How would you explain the importance of art for parents? What type of activity could you suggest for parents to expand art and play at home?
try to use something below on this one.
Readings and Resources
Sluss, D. J. (2019). Supporting play in early childhood: Environment, curriculum, assessment (3rd ed.). Cengage.
In this chapter the benefits of outdoor play for young children are described. Play activities and types of playgrounds for children from infant to primary grade are included. Additionally, the role of the adult in facilitating outdoor play is discussed, as well safety concerns.
- Chapter 10: Outdoor Play for Young Children
Articles, Websites, and Videos:
The following chapter provides information on the importance of outdoor spaces for young children. Models of outdoor programs in various European countries are described.
- Knight, S. (2012). Valuing outdoor spaces: Different models of outdoor learning in the early years. In T Papetheodorou & J. Moyles (Eds.) Cross cultural perpectives on early childhood. Sage Publications.
Children explore risky and challenging situations while at play. In this chapter the value of risk taking and adventurous play while outdoors is described.
- Tovey, H. (2012). Adventurous and challenging play outdoors. In T. Bruce (Ed) Early childhood practic frobel today. Sage.
In this chapter the place of the arts in an early childhood program is examined. Best practices, the use of open- ended questions and a constructivist focus is explored.
- Korn-Bursztyn, C. (2012). Defining a place for the arts in early education. In C. Korn-Bursztyn (Ed) Young children and the arts: Nurturing imagination and creativity. Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Supplemental Resources:
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