Norfolk replie

Norfolk’s resilience plan




When examining the City of Norfolk’s resilience plan, I think it has the ability to be a great success. The City of Norfolk has been having issues with water for prolonged periods. From low flood areas to exaggerated amounts of water damage to homes. With the sea level rising the water issues Norfolk is having it’s projected to eventually get worse. With this new plan in action, it should help mitigate a good portion of those issues. I think one of the greatest accomplishments of the plan is Downtown Norfolk. 

Downtown Norfolk is a hub where people gather for entertainment, ambiance, and scenery. To see all the things that will be implemented in order to protect this hub is amazing. I think not only will this hub turn into a beacon for sustainability but will draw attention to how beautiful Downtown Norfolk is.

Now, I will say that with any kind of plan that includes doing major renovations, there shall be flaws. One flaw that I was concerned about was how effective the plan would actually be. Seeing how the settling of land in Norfolk (NCSRM. (2023, April 10)) and with the sea level rising, it begs to question how effective the plan will be. The concern I have is that the city plans to spend such a large amount of money in order to build around the issue and mitigate some of the issues instead of tackling the issue itself. The land is soft and is giving away(Virginia Coastal Resilience Master Plan. (2023, August 11)), to add to that it doesn’t help that the area keeps building new attractions, hotels, apartments, and homes. All this pressure plus the water surrounding the area is a recipe for disaster long term. It’s unfortunate to see a beautiful place slowly sink and lose its value due to climate change. But it has to be recognized that the plan set forward to save the Downtown Norfolk area is only going to slow down the inevitable of the area sinking.  

This is not however in any way to say that the efforts put forth are not any good. This is simply recognizing that the area is not going to be fully recoverable due to the fact that the root of the issue is not being tackled. Nevertheless, this plan is still a good idea and only time will truly tell how effective it truly will be

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Norfolk replie

Norfolk’s resilience plan




When examining the City of Norfolk’s resilience plan, I think it has the ability to be a great success. The City of Norfolk has been having issues with water for prolonged periods. From low flood areas to exaggerated amounts of water damage to homes. With the sea level rising the water issues Norfolk is having it’s projected to eventually get worse. With this new plan in action, it should help mitigate a good portion of those issues. I think one of the greatest accomplishments of the plan is Downtown Norfolk. 

Downtown Norfolk is a hub where people gather for entertainment, ambiance, and scenery. To see all the things that will be implemented in order to protect this hub is amazing. I think not only will this hub turn into a beacon for sustainability but will draw attention to how beautiful Downtown Norfolk is.

Now, I will say that with any kind of plan that includes doing major renovations, there shall be flaws. One flaw that I was concerned about was how effective the plan would actually be. Seeing how the settling of land in Norfolk (NCSRM. (2023, April 10)) and with the sea level rising, it begs to question how effective the plan will be. The concern I have is that the city plans to spend such a large amount of money in order to build around the issue and mitigate some of the issues instead of tackling the issue itself. The land is soft and is giving away(Virginia Coastal Resilience Master Plan. (2023, August 11)), to add to that it doesn’t help that the area keeps building new attractions, hotels, apartments, and homes. All this pressure plus the water surrounding the area is a recipe for disaster long term. It’s unfortunate to see a beautiful place slowly sink and lose its value due to climate change. But it has to be recognized that the plan set forward to save the Downtown Norfolk area is only going to slow down the inevitable of the area sinking.  

This is not however in any way to say that the efforts put forth are not any good. This is simply recognizing that the area is not going to be fully recoverable due to the fact that the root of the issue is not being tackled. Nevertheless, this plan is still a good idea and only time will truly tell how effective it truly will be

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