Unit 6 Video Activity

when you do this one… do one question at a time not all together 

thank you. 


Expand upon what you’ve learned from the chapter by watching the video and answering the questions that follow.


1. Early childhood teachers can benefit from systematically collecting progress-monitoring data to ensure that curriculum goals are achieved. In this video, the teacher creatively uses transition time to chart the progress of her students on the topics of geometric shape and color. This data may then be used to adjust teaching activities to meet the unique needs of each child.

The teacher in this video uses flash cards to assess students’ knowledge about shapes and colors. What are some ways that knowledge about shapes and colors can be assessed in a natural setting? Describe three objects or activities in the natural setting of a childcare center that you would consider using to assess knowledge about shapes and three that you would use to assess knowledge about color.



2. An early childhood teacher is asking each child to tell a word that rhymes with the one that they are given, as they are walking out the door to recess. The teacher is recording the data for each student. For some of the students, the teacher has pictures to give a visual cue of word choices. Discuss how you might utilize transition time in the classroom to assess the skills and knowledge of your students. How might you apply universal design for some of your students in the planning of your transition activities? How will you use the data you collect in your planning for instruction?




the video 


[ Music ]

>> Daveon, can you tell me what shape this is? When we’re having our circle time, a great transition that I use was holding up a card that showed a shape with the name of it and also the color that it was.

>> A square –

>> A square. Awesome, and what color is the square?

>> Blue –

>> Blue, and how many sides does the square have?

>> One, two, three, four.

>> Great. So I would ask, hey, can you show, tell me what kind of shape this is. When they tell me what it is, ask them how many sides does it have and what color it is. Then I just put, as I put the card down, just mark their paper that’s right behind me, and move on to the next, and then they can go wash their hands, or they can go to the teaching table or whatever activity we’re transitioning to. Javier, can you tell me what shape this is?

>> Oval –

>> Awesome. And how many sides does an oval have, or is it round?

>> Round –

>> Great. And what color is the oval?

>> Orange –

>> Awesome. You may make a center choice, Javier. Javis, what shape is this?

>> A circle –

>> Awesome. And how many sides does a circle have, or is it round?

>> One, three, one, two, three –

>> Follow the circle around. Follow the circle. Do you feel any hard lines? No hard lines. It’s just round. It’s round, and what color is this circle –

>> Green –

>> Awesome. Good job, Javis. My vocabulary tracking tool is a tool that I have that just helps, for example, if a child, I held up a card that had a rectangle on. So I asked, you know, how many sides does a rectangle have, four. What is this? It’s a rectangle. What color was it, and they told me the color. So they told me the name, they could tell me how many sides it was, and they could tell me the color that it was. So that tool that I marked on helps me know, OK, they know what a rectangle is. You know, they know if they, it was a triangle, they told me it had three sides. It told me what the shape was and also the color so that they, I know that they know that the triangle has three sides. Johnny, can you tell me what shape this is?

>> A triangle –

>> A triangle. And how many sides does a triangle have?

>> Three –

>> And what color is this triangle.

>> Blue –

>> Awesome. Can you go to the teaching table, please? Good job. It helps me know, OK, this child knows what this vocabulary word means. They can tell me, you know, the definition. Use [inaudible] pick out a triangle, like, in the classroom so that I know, OK, they do know what a triangle is. They’re picking one out for me, and I can move on to something harder. Another vocabulary word that maybe they don’t know, and then that will be my focus versus we’ve done circle and triangle and rectangle. We know these. So let’s go to something harder for them to learn.

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