Unit 6.1 DB: World War II and the Home Front

While the war continued overseas and many Americans left home to fight for freedom abroad, the home front faced many challenges. World War II brought with it many social and economic changes in the United States, some positive and some negative. Critically evaluate the social and economic impact the war had on one of the following groups:

  • African Americans
  • Japanese Americans
  • Women



when you this one use something from blow to do this one fron the reading and resoures


Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources


Hamby, A.L., Neely, M.S., & Clack, G. (2009). Outline of U.S. history. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 

  • Chapter 11: The New Deal and World War II, pp. 154-161
    • Read the following sections: War and Uneasy Neutrality, Japan, Pearl Harbor, and War, Mobilization for Total War, The War in North Africa and Europe, The War in the Pacific, The Politics of War, and War, Victory, and the Bomb.
  • Chapter 12: Postwar America, pp. 185-192
    • Read the following sections: Consensus and Change, Cold War Aims, Harry Truman’s Leadership, Origins of the Cold War, Containment, The Cold War in Asia and the Middle East, Eisenhower and the Cold War, and the Cold War

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This website has information regarding National Security propositions that were presented in 1950.

The following resources have links to documents from the time leading up to and during World War II.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt committed American forces to the Allied cause in World War II. 

Watch VideoAmerica Enters World War II – Decades TV Network


Duration: 5:22
User: Decades TV Network – Added: 12/8/15

This video details the steps taken by the U.S. Government to round up anyone of Japanese ancestry and place them in internment camps. 

Watch VideoJapanese-American Internment During WWII | History


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