CHS395V Simulated Field Experience Reflections – Three Videos

the videos are on YouTube 


1.  Building Literacy Skills With Dramatic Play


2.  Nature Deficit Disorder | KQED QUEST


3.  Debunking the IQ-Dyslexia Myth




Attached Files:


View the three videos below to observe and reflect upon the demonstrations and examples of professional commitment, application of child development and learning theories, developmentally appropriate practice, observation and assessment, and behavior guidance.

  • Take notes as you view each video, and perhaps watch them multiple times to prepare to answer questions to demonstrate your understanding and critical thinking.
  • Use the rubric to write detailed responses in full sentences.
  • See the attached document for the full details and the Grading Rubric.




Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 11:59 pm EST Friday of Unit 8 Points: 100 Overview: View the three videos in this assignment to observe and reflect upon the demonstrations and examples of professional commitment, application of child development and learning theories, developmentally appropriate practice, observation, and assessment. Instructions: • Watch the videos multiple times to form thoughtful reflections. • Use the template. • Write responses of at least three or four full sentences for each question. Requirements: • Submit a Word document. • Use proper sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.





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