reply 7-26-23

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the reading for the 1st one 


Unit 5: Exploration Forum

Unit 5: Exploration Forum

The Exploration Forum is a chance to discuss any topics related to this unit or the course. It is an opportunity to think about how the concepts we cover relate to you and your work as an early childhood practitioner. It allows you to express your thoughts, expand your thinking, gain knowledge and perspective, share and view resources, and gather ideas about approaching the course assignments. Think of this as “practice time,” where you ponder, apply, and make connections while earning points based solely on participation.

There are no assigned topics or questions to answer and no length requirement. While you should use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, your grade will be based solely on participation.

  • 25 points for three (or more) relevant posts
  • 15 points for two relevant posts
  • 10 points for one relevant post
  •   0 points for no relevant post

Please represent yourself honorably. Your posts need to express your thoughts and your words. However, if you paraphrase (summarize or reword) or include a quote, you must cite (identity) your source.  Provide the web link when referencing an online source. 



Leanne Smith

RE: Unit 5 Exploration Forum




Nature v Nurture has always interested me. I like to hear what people think is more important for the development of a child, Along with the affects of development if a child has been negleted or abused. 

Erik Erikson and his theories of development in the stages. I have always agreed with him on how everyone gets through all the stages in a lifetime, the thing I question is while I personally with my age would be in Generativity Vs Stagnation being 40 years old, but I am not at the stage where I want to only be concerned with myself. I worry about my children and our expenses daily. I agree with wanting a family My marriage did not work out years ago but I love my son’s and am so thankful for them. 

Freud I do not know much about but I want to research and learn about his theories. I enjoyed Banderas theories especially the concept of the “Bobo the clown experiment” as it said in our chapter this week children watched a adult be mean to the doll kicking, punching etc the children in that group mirrored what they seen. The next group seen the adult be kind to the doll that group when introduced to the clown doll was gentle and played nicely with it. That is very interesting to me.

Conditioning is another interesting topic for me the fact that you can train a rat to stay away from the light and go to the food after awhile of conditioning or a dog salvating when it hears a bell that the dog was conditioned to associate a bell with getting food.  All those topics mentioned in the text book have always fasinated me throughout my course work at post University. 




Jennifer Haro

Unit 5 Forum




Hello Prof. Silver and classmates, 

I have been in education for ten years and learned how children develop and learn. The experiences with the students and returning to school to get my degree have given me the correct information about the importance of developmental psychology and learning theories to understand how children develop. The experience as a mom was the first I gained to learn about how children develop, behave, and progress. The presence of a mother is essential in a child’s development. Children can learn independence, physical, cognitive, and social-emotional aspects from the mother. Parents play a crucial role in their children’s development, but many lack the support and information they need for good parenting. “Some theories claim that children change because of innate, biological, or genetic patterns built into the human being; others claim that they are shaped by the environment and experiences (such as parents, materials, TV, school, and so on) of life. This argument is often called the nature/nurture controversy, also known as the problem of heredity versus environment.” (Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. 2023.). I can’t say that only nature or nurture plays a role and fully impacts a child’s development. Both influence child growth and development, and one’s environment and genes are inextricably intertwined. 

Question: Do you think nature and nurture work together, and can you provide an example?


Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. (2023). Beginnings & beyond: Foundations in early childhood education (11th ed.) Cengage.



Simone Williams

Unit 5 exploration




I learned about the nature of development. I also learned what are psychodynamic theories. They are personality development and emotional problems. I learned that Erik Erikson did the eight stages of development. That development occurs through life span. What is cognitive theory. It’s a structure and development of the human through a process that affects the way a person sees and understands. Who made the cognitive theory Jean Piaget. Arnold Gessell made the Maturation theory.

Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. (2023). Beginnings & beyond: Foundations in early childhood education (11th ed.) Cengage.



the reading 

Unit 5.1 DB: Politics and Economics of the 1920s

Unit 5.1 DB: Politics and Economics of the 1920s

During the 1920s, the U.S. government, under the guidance of Harding and Coolidge, took a backseat in issues pertaining to the economy. They believed in capitalism as the driving force behind the economy and decreased regulation by the federal government. During this period, big businesses regained a lot of power and grew exponentially, labor unions became ineffective without the support of government regulations, and consumer spending increased.  While the economy looked great, warning signs pointed to problems that will eventually lead to the stock market crash and the Great Depression of the 1930s.

After analyzing the political and economic policies of Harding and Coolidge, do you believe the federal government of the 1920s could have taken a more active role in helping to regulate the economy and would this have prevented the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression? Is it the government’s responsibility to be involved in the economy? Support your answer with specific examples and make sure to cite all of your sources.




Austin Briggs

Unit 5 DB




Good afternoon, I believe the administrations in the 20s had the best interest of the economy and citizens in mind but should have realized the impacts on a global scale. President Harding’s first two years “saw a continuance of the economic recession that had begun under Wilson. By 1923, however, prosperity was back.”(2009). The economy was mainly thriving until the stock market crash, and several things contributed to the stock market crash of 1929. Stocks being purchased “on margin, paying a fraction of the total value in cash and borrowing the rest from the broker.”(2007). There was also a lack of regulations on the stock market, allowing influential individuals to manipulate stock prices and buy or trade-off inside information. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which oversees the stock market, wouldn’t come about till 1934 and was part of President Roosevelts First New Deal. I don’t believe the stock market crash caused the great depression; however, it did contribute to the situation. Several factors caused the Great Depression, including the banking crisis that immediately followed the stock market crash and the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which placed higher tariffs on imported goods. It aimed to protect American industries but “triggered retaliation from other manufacturing nations and contributed greatly to a collapsing cycle of world trade that intensified world economic misery.”(2009). There was also the crippled agricultural economy that had been struggling for several years due to the large influx of farming from the demands of WWI. It is the government’s responsibility to be involved in the economy. If we look at this in a simplified version, the economy is much like the heart. It provides the ability for all aspects of the body to thrive, and we can look at government like the brain, which makes decisions that impact the entire body. If you make choices that have a negative impact on your heart, you will cease to live or will have difficulties until you fix the problem.


Gorman, R.F. (2007). Great events from history. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.

Hamby, A.L., Neely, M.S., & Clack, G. (2009). Outline of U.S. history. New York: Nova Science Publishers.



Tristan Rojas

Unit 5.1 DB: Politics and Economics of the 1920s




I believe that the newly implemented rules, guidelines, and regulations have made a more sustainable government and economy, unlike the way it was during Harding and Coolidge. Granted, some policies were good in nature; however, acts such as the “Budget and Accounting Act” were implemented by Harding, which increased Tarif\]s and overall made it a less than desirable outcome for all of those involved. I would not say “More of an Active role” in the economy would have prevented the Great Depression. If there was some sort of freeze as we have now, the quality of life would have been much different in the twenties. The Government is responsible for playing an active role in the economy. The Government was formed to protect and serve the people of the United States, including involvement in their economy. President Harding, unfortunately, did not fulfill his “Return to Normalcy” after the war, which created animosity and a lack of trust in him as a leader. This developed even more of a snowball effect.



Hamby, A.L., Neely, M.S., & Clack, G. (2009). Outline of U.S. history.  New York: Nova Science Publishers.

LOC, (2023). “Foreign Policy and Peace” Library of Congress,appealed%20to%20war%2Dweary%20citizens.

The White House, (2023). “Warren G. Harding” The White House

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