
In a PowerPoint presentation, do the following:

Create a new business that you will enact from within the Reverse Logistics industry. Within this presentation include a cost-benefit analysis, definition of the entire business, how you would run the business, how you would acquire capital for operations, and a full business plan, including how you will expand to a global business.

This assignment will incorporate EVERYTHING you have learned in this course. If a report is written, it should be 5-7 slides will be included with full author notes as if you were presenting the project to aboard.

Use a separate reference page for any sources used.

Use double-space typing.

For any references use APA format.
The title page does not count in the page count. The reference page does not count in the page count.

And never use Wikipedia as a source. It is not allowed in any US college paper.

Make sure to run the paper through TurnItIn to make sure there is no plagiarism issue.

(Although you have a perfect score, please , make sure you look the feedback for errors that need your immediate attention)

Please see attached feedback and rubric below.

Assignment Rubric




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Take a look at all of the different numbers from this week. Which one number surprised you the most? Which one did you absolutely expect? Discuss the numbers overall that were presented from this week’s reading.




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In 2-3 pages, research a global reverse logistics company and give a full report about the company including a full historical description of the company and major officers. In your research, locate financials about the company from the past 5 years and include this in the paper. Include everything about this company as if you were researching this company as a prospective employer.

Submission Instructions: Please attach the assignment in Word Format. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. This assignment should include a title page, flowing paragraphs in the body IAW APA formatting, and an APA formatted references page.

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If we look at how a cost-benefits analysis is computed and applied to industry situations, why does the industry require this data? Discuss the benefits of a CBA and how it will produce positive results for a company.  Lastly, what should the outcome provide the company? Explain the entire process.

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