Work Site Wellness

Worksite Wellness

Many employers offer worksite wellness programs that include opportunities for employees to be physically active or participate in other health promotion programs.  In this week’s discussion, please address the following questions:

What are some of the benefits an employer might experience by offering a worksite wellness program? What are some of the benefits to the individual employee?

Many employers offer robust wellness programs and generous incentives to employees who participate.  Sadly, the majority of employees do not participate.  Why do you think participation is low and what, if anything, would encourage more employees to engage in wellness programs?

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Work Site Wellness

Worksite Wellness

Many employers offer worksite wellness programs that include opportunities for employees to be physically active or participate in other health promotion programs.  In this week’s discussion, please address the following questions:

What are some of the benefits an employer might experience by offering a worksite wellness program? What are some of the benefits to the individual employee?

Many employers offer robust wellness programs and generous incentives to employees who participate.  Sadly, the majority of employees do not participate.  Why do you think participation is low and what, if anything, would encourage more employees to engage in wellness programs?

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