This assignment has 3 part: Part 1: Choose 1 of 2 following provided texts and

This assignment has 3 part:
Part 1: Choose 1 of 2 following provided texts and read it
David Wong Louie, “Eat, Memory”
Diana Abu-Jaber, “A House and a Yard”
You will work with the text you chose for the rest of the following parts.
Part 2: (you can search it on google)
Make a photo album that connect to FOOD. (at least 2 photos). Give credit if you take it somewhere.
Hint: You find these photos album having a connection with the text and the detail of the photos are about food.
Part 3: Write the response (3 pages) of what you did, why, and how the photo album above helped or changed your interpretation of the text. You will identify the dimensions of your photo album ( analyze detail of the photos and how it connects with the text). Analyzing the literary meaning of the text, its messages and how it connect with your album.
-Your response must have a title. No paragraph restrictions for this response. It is free style, not an essay format. Works Cited
Please turn in the photo album and your response as the final submission

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