Ok so! Hi writer! the first assignment is called the, “Thesis Statement in a blo

Ok so! Hi writer! the first assignment is called the, “Thesis Statement in a blog” the second one is called, “Blog post Outline” and the third is called the, “Blog Guidelines”. Please do not write those as the actual names for the assignments. I have uploaded multiple pictures to help you see what the instructions are. If you can, for the first 2 assignments please send them to me once you’re finished in the chronological order i gave them to you. Just to help me know which assignments are which so i can upload them onto Canvas. Please separate them for me. For the 3rd assignment, i have all the instructions for you. The word count for the “Blog Guidelines”, you’ll see that my professor wants a minimum of 1,000 words. Its going to be 4 paragraphs. The rest of the instructions you can read.

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