Imagine that you work for a manager who expects you to be on call 24/7/365 and h

Imagine that you work for a manager who expects you to be on call 24/7/365 and has no problem springing last minute deadlines on you. You already work 50 hours within the office and probably another 10-15 hours a week at home, answer their phone calls or emails at all hours of the night. Your breaking point was when your boss, who was attending your childs 3rd birthday party, pulled you aside to address a new project they wanted you to start that night. Enough is enough! you thought to yourself and it was then you decided to write a blog post about the importance of work-life balance.Within this blog post, ensure that you express at least 5 different ways you can ensure a work-life balance with examples from your personal experience supported by research. Ensure that you use positive language and write it in the sense of a public service announcement where you are not only setting new rules for yourself in your work-life balance, but also provide tips to other readers to do the same. Your blog post should be 1-2 pages in length and use at least 3 resources. Please see the rubric for further information on how you will be graded.5 or more tips are present within blog postUse 3 or more resources and proper in-text citationsProfessional communication; no grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors present

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