HIS 371: Modern African History Critical Thinking Exercise (CREW Writing Assign

HIS 371: Modern African History
Critical Thinking Exercise (CREW Writing Assignment)
Text: Curtis Keim and Carolyn Somerville, Mistaking Africa: Curiosities and Inventions of the American Mind. 4th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2018.
Students Learning Outcome:
Explain at least, five major stereotypes or representations about Africa and Africans that exist in the United States and analyze the origins of each of the stereotypes.
Distinguish between the myths, historical facts, and interpretations about the people and continent of Africa.
Assignment Descriptions:
We opened this course with readings and discussions on myths and realities about Africa; the images and representations of Africa in the western imaginations. Over the many years of teaching African history in this country, I have come to realize that what many Americans know (or think they know) about Africa are built on misperceptions. I have also come to realize that a major obstacle to learning about Africa is indeed acknowledging and understanding those misperceptions, and “un-learning” them, by separating myths from facts.
This book by Profs Keim & Somerville is an excellent introduction to Africa because it takes on, in a bold and provocative way, many of these issues of misperceptions of Africa. It guides us to understand our imaginations of Africa, takes us through the historical evolution of those imaginations, and helps us to confront those mental images we have of Africa.
After we have read and vigorously discussed the book in the class, and you will write a Critical Thinking Exercise based on the book.
Drawing from your reading of the book and our class discussions, your essay should address ALL of these issues:
1. The authors explored certain persistent stereotypes and preconceptions about Africa and Africans that exist in America, such as the Dark Continent, Primitive African, Charity (Helpless) Africa, Exotic Africa, Wildlife (Safari) Africa, Dangerous (and disease-ridden) Africa, Wise & Superior Africa. Choose any five of these and explain what they mean, drawing from the book.
2. Explain the historical origins and evolution of each of the stereotypes you chose.
3. In what ways and why have those stereotypes endured or sustained in America? Obviously, it’s not as simple as just blaming the media.
4. Are there comparisons you can draw between those stereotypes about Africa and representations of other cultures, societies, and peoples in America?
You may have additional questions or issues you might want to raise in your essay.
The essay should be about five-seven pages, typed, double-spaced and 12-points font.
A. CITATION: I do not want a generic paper on stereotypes and imaginations of Africa. Your paper must be based on the book. In other words, you must draw specific examples (with appropriate pages cited) from the book to illustrate your points. You must convince me that you read the book well.
Your essay MUST have citations. You may use either the APA, MLA or Chicago (Turabian) citation method. Use either footnote or in-text citation, as appropriate to your chosen method, but not both. Papers that don’t have appropriate citations (or incorrectly cited pages) will be penalized.

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