Explain the relevance of our central concepts and theories–especially the contac

Explain the relevance of our central concepts and theories–especially the contact situation, competition, power, and ethnocentrism for American dominant and minority relationsExplain the future of race and ethnic relations in the United States and Global. Use PowerPoint Week 14 Non-Black and Blackthe future of race and ethnic relations in America. This is part of the paper as wellSociology race and ethnicExamGrading Scale and Categories1) Excellent2) Good3) Fair4) PoorA)Essay is well-written and includes all the materials from the course, clearly and concisely focuses on concepts related to the contact situation, competition, power, and ethnocentrism.Essay requires editing and includes most of materials from the course, modestly focuses on concepts related contact situation, competition, power, and ethnocentrism.Essay requires editorial modifications and is missing most of the materials from the course, and lacks focus on concepts related contact situation, competition, power, and ethnocentrism.Essay is poorly written and lacks proficiency in discussing materials from the course, and focusing on concepts related contact situation, competition, power, and ethnocentrism.B)Essay includes a strong explanation with examples for why race contributes to minority-group status and the different outcomes for non-white racialized groups.Essay includes a clear explanation with examples for contributes to minority-group status and the different outcomes for non-white racialized groupsEssay includes minimal (one or two) explanations with limited examples for how contributes to minority-group status and the different outcomes for non-white racialized groupsEssay poorly develops explanations and examples for how contributes to minority-group status and the different outcomes for non-white racialized groupsC)Essay demonstrates decisive and coherent summary how might the outcome for these groups be different in case study countries.Essay demonstrates a good summary how might the outcome for these groups be different in case study countries.Essay demonstrates a modest summary how might the outcome for these groups be different in case study countries.Essay poorly develops a summary how might the outcome for these groups be different in case study countries.D)Essay provides excellent examples and content to realistically explain the future for Race in America.Essay provides good examples and content to realistically explain the future for Race in America.Essay modestly provides examples and content to realistically explain the future for Race in America.Essay struggles to provide examples and content to realistically explain the future for Race in America.Grade scale (100 points)A) 90 (90%) ExcellentB) 80 (80%) GoodC) 70 (70%) FairD) 360 (60%) PoorShort answer Grade scale (50 points)A) 45 (90%) ExcellentB) 40 (80%) Good

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