Y‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ou are an eco-innovation consultant advising the board of d

Y‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ou are an eco-innovation consultant advising the board of directors (or equivalent) of an organisation [of your choice] on how innovation can address a specific sustainability challenge [of your choice]. Your report must include the following sections: Context: evaluate the sustainability challenge and explicitly connect it to the organisation’s long-term competitive advantage; Search stage: describe how you can organise an effective search to identify innovation opportunities to address the sustainability challenge and include some ideas that stem from this search stage to address the sustainability challenge; Select/evaluate stage: outline the process by which you can select eco-innovations with the best strategic fit and justify one of the ideas from the search stage to carry forward to the next stage; Implementation stage: assess the key implementation challenges for your chosen idea and suggest how you might overcome them. The report should be underpinned with reference to appropriate innovation concepts and creativity tools, supported by robust, up-to-date evidence (which can be qualitative and quantitative). A guide to the management report is below. CIQ Management Report – A Guide Download CIQ Management Report – A Guide The main aim of a management report is to communicate issues central to decision making. The issues are expressed directly and clearly. The central focus of the report is bald statement of the issues. The underlying research that led to the conclusions and recommendations is still important, but secondary to the main aim which is to communicate the key issues with clarity and directness. A report‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ must be easy to navigate, so headings and sub-headings, appropriately numbered and indexed, are widely used. A report is different to an essay. Essays rely upon extensive research and subtle analysis to reach a conclusion. Essays have a strong narrative style and a clear structure, but are expected to display erudition too. In contrast a report emphasises the following issues: Title Page A strong clear title Who wrote it Who it is for (the organisation) The date of writing Security status (. not to be disclosed to anyone outside the organisation) Abstract A strong, succinct and clear abstract – six to eight lines will suffice, double space, wide margins – that can be read at a glance. Contents A clear structure with headings and sub-headings. A contents page that makes the report easy to navigate Introduction A straightforward statement as to why the report was written Argument An original, coherent, congruous and persuasive argument, underpinned by theory and appropriately supported by quantitative and/or qualitative evidence Conclusions Very strong conclusions that add value by addressing the ‘so-what’ question (. not a summary of previous argument) Style Bright, well labelled, easy to grasp diagrams The clever bits, or any technical analysis is to be placed in an appendix having been succinctly summarised in the body of the paper. Coherent and congruous, but stand-alone paragraphs that make a key point or step in the argument clear Clear page numbering There are various clichés of report writing. The logo of the customer goes at the top of the title page, the logo of the authors goe‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍s at the bottom.

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