Purpose In the assignment, the student’s task is to critically analyze the ethic

In the assignment, the student’s task is to critically analyze the ethical case and provide answers to presented questions by integrating references to ethical principles, standards of practice, relevant practice guidelines and legislation:
Students who apply for registration with CCPA or other colleges (i.e. CRPO, BCACC) as counsellors, therapists and mental health service providers are required to refer to CCPA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Members of these colleges (in addition to the CCPA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics) may also analyze the case in terms of the principles of CRPO Code of Ethics or BCACC Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Clinical Practice.
Consider the following case for analysis:
Jennifer has been going to a clinic for counselling with you for an extended period of time. When you ask her what she hopes to achieve from her counselling sessions, she replies: “It really helps. I like to talk and have someone listen to me. You are the only friend I have and the only one who really cares about me. I suppose I don’t actually do that much outside of counselling, and I don’t know if I’ve changed that much, but it feels good to be here.”
Answer the following questions:
Is it ethical for you to continue the counselling if Jennifer’s main goal seems to be the “purchase of friendship”? Why or why not?
Would it be ethical to terminate Jennifer’s therapy without exploring her need to see you and how do you imagine Jennifer would perceive your suggestions to terminate therapy?
What clinical issues would you need to keep in mind and it would it be ethical for you to continue to see Jennifer if you were convinced that she was not making any progress?
Required components: Title page, and Reference page.
Length of Assignment: The text body of paper (i.e., not including references and title page) should consist of approximately 750-1000 words (i.e., 3-4 double-spaced typed pages, Times New Roman font size: 12).
Format: Please, format your assignment in Word (files with extension .doc or .docx), or Rich Text Format (files with extension .rtf).
References: The required textbooks and articles from the course syllabus
Formatting Structure
1. Is it ethical for you to continue the counselling if Jennifer’s main goal seems to be the “purchase of friendship”? Why or why not? (APA Headings Level 1)
Student’s response
2. Would it be ethical to terminate Jennifer’s therapy without exploring her need to see you and how do you imagine Jennifer would perceive your suggestions to terminate therapy? (APA Headings Level 1)
Student’s response
3. What clinical issues would you need to keep in mind and it would it be ethical for you to continue to see Jennifer if you were convinced that she was not making any progress? (APA Headings Level 1)
Student’s response
Do not type the case analysis into your assignment.
The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing your assignment, and how the professor will weigh these components relative to one another.
Criteria % of Assignment Grade
The structure of the paper (10%)
Presentation, Originality, Accuracy – 5/10
Follow the structure of the paper – 5/10
Mastery of Material/Comprehensiveness (70%)
Responses to presented questions:
Question 1 – 15/70
Question 2 – 30/70
Question 3 – 25/70
Writing Quality (20%)
Academic Professional Writing – 15/20
APA format style – 5/20
TOTAL /100

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