Please read the Yelp case in the reading packet, then answer the following quest

Please read the Yelp case in the reading packet, then answer the following questions:
What did Yelp do to elicit content from so many people? How well did Yelp monetize the content it solicited?
Based on browsing the Yelp website, discuss three specific ways (product strategy, review process, monetization strategy, etc) in which the company is different today as compared to the time of the case? In each case, provide your assessment as to whether and how the change helps or hurts Yelp.
Google Maps is a competitor for Yelp for local reviews. The attached file has review data for about 200 restaurants from Pittsburgh, from both Yelp and Google. A data dictionary is provided in a separate tab in the spreadsheet. How do the two sites compare in terms of the number of reviews (Volume) and star rating (Valence)? Is the review rating different across the two sites, and is the difference statistically significant? For what types of restaurants (location, price rating, cuisine, etc) are the review ratings most different? Provide the best possible visualizations (using Tableau, R or Python) that clearly illustrate your results, along with any statistical analysis, as needed. What factors might explain the results that you found, and what are the implications for restaurants, consumers, and for the platforms themselves?

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