Must create an overview slide that briefly describes the required components cov

Must create an overview slide that briefly describes the required components covered within the presentation. Add bulleted points for each of the topics covered.
Must identify the disease chosen. Include a brief description of the disease itself.
(Which kind of cancer)
Explain the following changes that can occur due to the disease
Explain western medicine and complimentary and alternative medicine treatment options available.
Explain the way treatment options affect the patient and caregivers based on the following factors
Physical toll
Emotional toll
Social toll
Financial toll
Based on the age range chosen, discuss the patients perception related to the disease
Discuss bias and stigmas associated with the disease
Analyze the needs of a person and their caregiver facing the end stage of the disease
Research community based programs that can possibly meet the needs of those receiving palliative, hospice, and/or end of life care
5 scholarly resources needed and 2 must be from Ashford library

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