Life Stage Assignment Hot Topic Pick – Social Media in Emerging Adulthood (18-25

Life Stage Assignment Hot Topic Pick – Social Media in Emerging Adulthood (18-25)
Attached file – Provide a summary of the article reviewed and then indicate how this article could be useful in constructing your final presentation (addressing the physical, cognitive and/or socioemotional aspects of the topic). **This was completed and uploaded under additional materials for reference**
1. Overview of the physical, cognitive and socioemotional issues of the stage (Emerging Adulthood (18-25)
2. Presentation of the “hot topic.” What is it? Why is it a concern or issue? (Social Media Use)
3. Description of why this topic is of specific concern to this life stage. How does this topic affect physical, cognitive and/or socioemotional development at this stage?
4. A minimum of 3 academic references presented in APA format

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