Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology practice test / quiz and need an expla

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology practice test / quiz and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Write a three page book review of Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class JobsProfessor’s request1.Summary of a paragraph of a book’s contents (write a sentence in a book instead of bringing it as it is)-What is culture (world) in this book and how to define it (definition of book reviewer ‘me’)-What are the advantages and weaknesses of approaching this study anthropologically?-How did I get to know “what” that I didn’t know and how I changed my view of the world?2.Did you understand the given problem correctly?Has the presented concept been faithfully described?3.Is the composition structured and the subject clearly revealed?Are the central and supporting sentences4.Did you approach the given question in an original way?Is a reflective attitude revealed in solving problems?Btw,I am a Korean student, so please consider the social situation in Korea when you write a book review. Pay attention to the accuracy of the grammar so that I can translate easily.
Requirements: three page

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