Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanatio

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Talk about why feedback from instructor is crucial and how some students may not accept feedback the same, add more to close out the writing based off this information below:Students should accept and understand all types of feedback from instructors. Accept and understanding any feedback should be knowledge to understand different ways of understanding different points of views to accept them and make your responses better. In my opinion, more feed back will enhance my thinking process to produce great work.It’s not determined how the student should accept feedback from the instructor, but how the student should address those corrections next time. The instructor has multiple students to provide feedback to on different arguments from students. It can not be possible for one instructor to change their feedback style due to a group of students who may not agree, it will not be fair to the other students learning the same information. the students that may not understand nor agree with the feedback should take that experience and learn from it to make them a better writer and have a creative mind. Would feedback from your instructors or classmates help or discourage you when writing?
Requirements: 250 words

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