Initial questions: Research to identify techniques for maintaining participant i

Initial questions:
Research to identify techniques for maintaining participant interest in training.
Identify a minimum of three specific techniques for retaining participant interest not found in the Blanchard and Thacker (2019) text and briefly explain each.
Explain how these three specific techniques can be used to deliver effective training, noting the learning style to which each technique appeals.
Compare and contrast these three specific techniques with those identified in the course text.
Response 1, .5 page:
Trainees have different motivations coming into training. The instructor plays a huge role in keeping trainees’ attention and most importantly the effectiveness and transfer of training (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). Providing variety during training maintains trainee attention and breaks the monotony of lectures (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019).
Other techniques that will help trainee engagement are keeping an open dialogue, incorporating question and answer portions after lectures, and reading the room. As stated by Blanchard & Thacker (2019), it is important for instructors to know when and how to ask the right questions. By encouraging trainees to reflect and share their personal experiences, they will be able to associate what they have learned into real life situations. Moreover, incorporating a question and answer or discussion after every lecture provides trainees time to brainstorm what they just learned. Just as how important debriefs are after role-plays, discussions after lectures provides them with the same value. Finally, the instructor should be able to read the room. According to Blanchard & Thacker (2019), attention decreases after 15-20 minutes of lecture and instructors need to be aware of whether it’s time to give trainees a break or start an activity. Moreover, reading the room includes observing trainees whether they seem zoned out or too heated or passionate about what’s being discussed. These techniques help instructors facilitate training smoothly while also considering trainee learning styles.
Trainees have different motivations coming into training. The instructor plays a huge role in keeping trainees’ attention and most importantly the effectiveness and transfer of training (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). Providing variety during training maintains trainee attention and breaks the monotony of lectures (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019).
Response 2, .5 page:
Training is an essential process for organizational growth and development. According to Jaidev and Chirayath’s (2012) article, emphasizing pretraining, during-training, and post-training activities, “training is said to be effective if the skills and behavior learned and practiced during training can be transferred to the workplace and applied in the context of the job. Additionally, the most important part of training is maintaining the interest of the participants. Moreover, three techniques are beneficial in accomplishing this. The first technique is to periodically ask the participants questions during the training. This is a great technique to ensure that the trainees understand what’s being discussed. It’s also effective in keeping the participants engaged and alert because they don’t know if they’ll be selected to answer a question. Another technique to maintain the interest of the participants is to give a quiz at the end of the training. This is an effective technique because it will force the trainees to pay attention if they know they will be quizzed on the information later. The last technique is to establish clear goals and training expectations. This is an effective technique because it helps the trainees understand the flow of the training, the learning objectives, and what’s expected of them as it relates to them being engaged and their behavior during the training. Overall, these three techniques correlate with the techniques in the course text, because the goal is to maintain the interest of the participants. For example, the icebreaker is an exercise designed to help the trainees become familiar with one another and be involved in the training process. The technique of asking questions periodically is similar because it also influences the participants to be active in the training and interested in learning and growing. Ultimately, these techniques differ in their approach. For example, the text mentioned the technique of a game to maintain the interest of the employees. This is a great resource; however, I believe the technique of a quiz is a better method. It will help to maintain the interest of the trainees and ensure they retain what they learned during the process.

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