Hello, thank you so much for helping me. i have become very ill over the past yeat and writing ( a thing i love to do so much) has become next to impossible for me to do. your help means the absolute world to me. due to my illness, i missed the first assignement for this class and it resulted in a fail for the class. thus, the mark for this assignement is weighted hevily. thus, i need this paper to be amazing. instructions from porfessor: – Make sure you illustrate your discussion with empirical examples and that you draw on relevant theories from module readings (listed below). other theories can be added too. possible structure outline of paper I was thinking (can be totally different if you think there is a better way to discuss this topic): introduction – history of coffeshops and its soical effect in uk such as: Thanks to a trade boom throughout the 1650s that left the British populace with more disposable income, 17th-century Britain became history’s next haven for coffee shops. Like today’s "third-wave" cafés, coffee houses spread throughout the city quickly—the first opened in 1652, and, by the 17 hundreds, there were more than 2,000 coffee houses in London alone, inhabiting more retail space and paying higher rent than any other trade at the time. The shops quickly became a hub for political discussion and debate and Philosopher Jurgen Habermas describes how the early 18th century coffe shops were ciritcal to the development of reasoned dabate and discussion which lead to braoder significance ro the wider public sphere. . in the ’50s and ’60s, but there, teenagers frequented coffee shops in bohemian neighborhoods like Soho. – possibel outline such as: This paper does not seek to redefine gentrification, nor does it address an important debate within the gentrification literature of whether gentrification is “good” or “bad.” Instead, this paper elucidates how regardless of whether coffee shops are tools or a side effect of gentrification theyprovide an on-the-ground and visible manifestation of a particular form of gentrification. answering question – start by brief definition of gentrifiction -analysis and explanation to why coffee shops are a sign of gentrification conclusion – summarize key readings that could be included from the professor: Hamnett, C. & Williams, ., 1980. Social Change in London: A Study of Gentrification. Urban Affairs Review, 15(4). Lees, L. 2014. The urban injustices of New Labour’s “new urban renewal”: the case of the Aylesbury Estate in London. Antipode, 46(4), 921–47 lmeida, A. 2021. Pushed to the Margins: A Quantitative Analysis of Gentrification in London in the 2010s. Runnymede. Atkinson, R., 2000. The hidden costs of gentrification: Displacement in central London. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 15(4), 307-326. Butler, T. & Lees, L., 2006. Super-gentrification in Barnsbury, London: globalization and gentrifying global elites at the neighbourhood level. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 31(4), 467-487. Butler, T. & Robson, G., 2003. Negotiating Their Way In: The Middle Classes, Gentrification and the Deployment of Capital in a Globalising Metropolis. Urban Studies, 40(9), 1791. Chou, W. & Dancygier, R., 2021. Why Parties Displace Their Voters: Gentrification, Coalitional Change, and the Demise of Public Housing. American Political Science Review 115(2), 429–449. Davidson, M. & Lees, L., 2005. New-build gentrification and London’s riverside renaissance. Environment and Planning A, 37(7). Glass, R., 1964. London: Aspects of Change, London: Macgibbon and Keen. Harris, A. 2012. ‘Art and gentrification: pursuing the urban pastoral in Hoxton, London’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 37(2), pp. 226–241. Moran, J. 2007 Early Cultures of Gentrification in London, 1955 1980, Journal of Urban History, 34(1), p. 101. Watt, P. and Minton, A. 2016. ‘London’s housing crisis and its activisms’, City, 20(2), pp. 204–221. doi:
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